The Mixed Methods Blog

Perspectives from our researchers, highlights from recent studies, and other news about CCRC

Make Your Voice Heard for More Actionable, Equity-Focused Dual Enrollment Data


The Department of Education is considering adjustments to IPEDS to better clarify and capture data on dual enrollment. Comment on the proposal—which would yield data disaggregated by student race/ethnicity and gender—by August 6.

New Research Center Aims to Address Inequities in Online Learning in College


A $10 million award from the U.S. Department of Education's Institute of Education Sciences will fund a partnership between broad-access colleges and researchers at CCRC and SRI International.

Don’t Blame Students for Institutional Barriers to Equitable Transfer Success


In this op-ed, John Fink argues that community college transfer pathways are key to improving equity in higher education and outlines four institutional roadblocks that regularly impede transfer student success.

Want Anti-Racist Policy to Work on Today? Adequately and Equitably Fund Community Colleges


Budgets signal who and what a society values. To that end, anti-racist higher education policies should begin with allocating greater financial resources to community colleges.

League for Innovation Annual Conference: CCRC Live Blog


CCRC researchers presented on guided pathways, equity, and more during the 2020 League for Innovation in the Community College annual conference. Check out we happened in Seattle!