Dear Colleague,
CCRC studies community colleges because of their potential to advance equity and increase social mobility in the United States. We are motivated by our belief in accessible, affordable, high-quality education for every student who seeks a job that provides a living wage or who wants to transfer to a four-year college or university. In this biennial report, we describe some of the ways we are working to achieve these goals.
Community colleges were hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic. Nationally, enrollments dropped 17% from spring 2020 to spring 2023, and many students experienced learning losses and other setbacks. Fortunately, the enrollment picture is improving, and decades of research by CCRC and others has produced a growing base of evidence on ways to improve student outcomes. These range from relatively simple changes in how students are assessed and placed into English and math courses to whole-college reforms known as guided pathways. Partly in response to the pandemic, many community colleges are adopting new technologies to improve classroom teaching and student advising. There is also growing interest at the state and national levels in adopting financing strategies to ensure that community colleges have the resources they need to help all students achieve their educational and employment goals.
A consistent theme throughout CCRC’s work is partnership. We are grateful to the many community colleges, K-12 districts, universities, state agencies, national student success organizations, and other researchers who inspire us with their vision and who work with us on projects. We are also grateful to the funders who support our research and dissemination. Like the institutions we study, we strive to improve. If you have feedback on our work—what you find most useful, what we can do better, what issues or questions you would like to see us address in the future—please let us know.
Tom Brock
Akilah H. Thompson
Senior Research Assistant
Photos courtesy of Wake Technical Community College
More than 400 community colleges across the nation are part of the guided pathways whole-college reform movement, which CCRC helped catalyze through more than a decade of applied research. In 2021 and 2022, CCRC led Guided Pathways Summer Institutes involving 49 colleges in 25 states. The institutes helped the colleges reshape student onboarding and advising and build campus support for comprehensive organizational change.
CCRC researchers and Teachers College professors Judith Scott-Clayton and Jordan Matsudaira served in the Biden administration during the 2022–23 academic year, Scott-Clayton as a senior economist in the Council of Economic Advisers and Matsudaira as chief economist in the Department of Education.
CCRC is a leader in understanding the effects of developmental education and improving academic support for students through evidence-based reform. Following up on CAPR’s long-term study that found positive impacts from multiple measures assessment (MMA), the CAPR team is supporting implementation and scaling of MMA at 13 two- and four-year institutions in Arkansas and Texas.
CCRC collaborates with intermediary organizations to strengthen community colleges and student outcomes. Achieving the Dream, for example, works with its 300 member colleges to improve students’ labor market outcomes and reduce equity gaps that pervade program enrollments and completions using CCRC’s Unpacking Program Enrollments With Opportunity and Equity in Mind brief and data tool.
After the disruptions of the last few years, CCRC is gearing our research toward helping community colleges and their students look to the future.
Taylor Myers and Tia Monahan, PhD students in the CCRC-led Postsecondary Education Applied Research (PEAR) Fellowship program, talk about how they found their way into the program and their experiences in PEAR’s research and policy apprenticeships.
Cumulative total of active grants
Annual budget
Community College Research Center, Teachers College, Columbia University
Box 174 | 525 West 120th Street, New York, NY 10027
© 2025. All rights reserved.