The Mixed Methods Blog

Perspectives from our researchers, highlights from recent studies, and other news about CCRC

Social Disruption as an Opportunity to Address Our Carbon Footprint: CCRC’s Commitment to Reducing Climate Change


CCRC is concerned about the future of the planet, we know our practices have negatively affected the environment, and we will do better moving forward.  

Help Us Set a Research Agenda on the Role of Community Colleges in the Green Jobs Economy


In April, CCRC will host a half-day symposium to elevate the role community colleges play in addressing climate change and highlight the needs and opportunities for public and private sector coordination in order to help community colleges fulfill their promise in preparing students for the green economy.

Building Stronger Collaborations Between Community Colleges and Disciplinary Societies


For university faculty, disciplinary societies provide support throughout their careers—stimulating new ideas and fostering collaborations. How can these supports be more accessible to faculty teaching in community colleges? A new report summarizes the outcomes of a 2023 workshop that created action plans for increased collaboration and engagement.

Community Colleges Are Key Players in Strengthening the Humanities

A smiling girl holding books in a library.

While commentary on the dire state of the humanities in higher education continues, the role that community colleges might play in helping put students on the humanities track has been largely overlooked. How might community colleges strengthen their humanities offerings, and working with their four-year partners, better propel more of their students to successful transfer in the humanities?

Student Perspectives on What Makes a Caring Campus: A Little Goes a Long Way


What do students consider important for creating a sense of welcome and belonging at college? Susan Bickerstaff, Selena Cho, Elisabeth A. Barnett, and Andrea Lopez Salazar spoke with students and found that relatively simple actions by faculty and staff can make a big difference.