The Mixed Methods Blog

Perspectives from our researchers, highlights from recent studies, and other news about CCRC

Susan Bickerstaff is a senior research associate and program lead at the Community College Research Center.

Building Stronger Collaborations Between Community Colleges and Disciplinary Societies


For university faculty, disciplinary societies provide support throughout their careers—stimulating new ideas and fostering collaborations. How can these supports be more accessible to faculty teaching in community colleges? A new report summarizes the outcomes of a 2023 workshop that created action plans for increased collaboration and engagement.

Studying Teaching in Community Colleges: Creating the Conditions Where Effective Instruction Can Flourish


This post introduces CCRC's new blog series on teaching in community college. This summer, we will go inside the classroom to understand more about the practices that define high-quality instruction.

Supporting Adjunct Faculty to Advance Student Success in Community Colleges


Susan Bickerstaff, coauthor of a new CCRC research brief on the experiences of part-time faculty at six colleges, outlines four ways colleges can better meet the needs of part-time faculty as part of a broader student success initiative.