Is the summer institute online or in person?
Like last year, the summer institute will take place online using Zoom.
How familiar should participants be with guided pathways?
You should have some experience planning and beginning to implement guided pathways or similar reforms, preferably for at least 8–12 months. For example, your college may have undertaken efforts to transform the student experience through improved program design and alignment; teaching, advising, and program onboarding; or partnerships with K-12 schools, universities, and employers. Institute content will be scaffolded to support your learning, but a basic familiarity with guided pathways is assumed.
We understand that colleges may have unique ways of describing their reform efforts. As long as your work is compatible with the guided pathways framework, we welcome your application.
How much do participants need to know about data analysis? What if our college does not have strong institutional research capacity?
Do teams need special equipment or resources to participate?
We will use Zoom for synchronous activities and a Canvas course site to house all instructional materials and resources. We hope that these platforms will be easily accessible to participants, and we will provide technical support as needed.
For the best experience, we recommend that each team member join from their individual Zoom account. The institute includes breakout sessions and cross-team collaboration, and it is easiest to join these sessions from individual accounts.
Will there be opportunities to collaborate with other colleges?
Why is the institute focused on serving community colleges that have not participatedWhy is the institute focused on serving community colleges that have not participated in national or statewide guided pathways initiatives?
While many community colleges are implementing whole-college reforms following the guided pathways model, most are not and have not received technical assistance from any national or state organization. Many of these are rural colleges or others without the organizational capacity and resources needed to undertake guided pathways reforms on their own. CCRC is making efforts to reach institutions that, for whatever reason, have been left out of the guided pathways movement. However, we also recognize that some colleges in states with guided pathways initiatives haven’t been able to fully take advantage of these opportunities. If your college is located in a state that has led a guided pathways initiative, but you think this institute would support your work, please include a rationale in your application.
Is the institute credit-bearing? Will I receive a Teachers College transcript for participating?
Attendees who participate in all or nearly all institute activities will receive a certificate of participation from CCRC. Attendees will not earn Teachers College credits or continuing education units and will not receive a transcript or grade for participating.