The Mixed Methods Blog

Perspectives from our researchers, highlights from recent studies, and other news about CCRC

New Report Guides States and Systems on Supporting Practitioner Efforts to Strengthen Dual Enrollment


In a new report, CCRC and CHSA provide state leaders with recommendations for improving dual enrollment programming in ways that support practitioners’ efforts. The recommendations are organized into three areas: expanding access, strengthening on-ramps to postsecondary pathways, and building and sustaining strong partnerships. 

The (50) State(s) of Transfer Data


Students are told that enrolling in a community college is an affordable onramp to a bachelor’s degree. But in reality, only a small percentage of students transfer and graduate. To fix the problem, experts first have to know what’s causing it. Alex Anacki and Jessica Steiger address the current lack of available transfer data.

Inside CCRC: Jessica Steiger on the Significance of Transitional Periods in Educational Equity


Jessie Steiger has always understood the power of transitions. From her own turbulent transition into high school to the challenges she faced as a transfer student at Penn State, the CCRC senior research assistant and PEAR fellow says the times she spent in flux tuned her in to the ways the education system is stacked against some students. 

Five Models for Earning College Credit in High School: Evaluating Their Potential to Smooth the High-School-to-College Transition for Underserved Students


Earning college credit in high school enables more students—especially those historically underrepresented in higher education—to pursue college after high school. However, many students who stand to benefit the most from these opportunities often have limited access to them. Jessica Steiger breaks down a new CCRC brief that examines the potential of five different models to help underrepresented students enter college degree programs in high-opportunity fields.