The Mixed Methods Blog

Perspectives from our researchers, highlights from recent studies, and other news about CCRC

Rethinking Dual Enrollment to Advance Equitable Transfer


In this op-ed, John Fink and Davis Jenkins argue that dual enrollment programs—which are mired by inequities—should be reconceived to expand college access and offer underserved students an on-ramp to postsecondary education.

Introducing DEEP: A Research-Based Framework for Broadening the Benefits of Dual Enrollment


A new approach to dual enrollment encourages community colleges to partner with middle and high schools to motivate and prepare underserved students to pursue a postsecondary degree in a field of interest directly after high school.

How Do Dual Enrollment Course Characteristics Predict Course Outcomes and College Entrance?


As dual enrollment participation has expanded, so too have the types of programs and courses offered. Lauren Schudde and Wonsun Ryu discuss how differences in course set up have the potential to shape students’ dual enrollment experiences and overall course performance, as well as their subsequent college enrollment decisions.

Five Models for Earning College Credit in High School: Evaluating Their Potential to Smooth the High-School-to-College Transition for Underserved Students


Earning college credit in high school enables more students—especially those historically underrepresented in higher education—to pursue college after high school. However, many students who stand to benefit the most from these opportunities often have limited access to them. Jessica Steiger breaks down a new CCRC brief that examines the potential of five different models to help underrepresented students enter college degree programs in high-opportunity fields.

Opening the Dual Enrollment Door Wider for English Learners: A Case Study From Maryland

Opening the Dual Enrollment Door Wider for English Learners: A Case Study From Maryland

Anne Arundel Community College and Anne Arundel County Public Schools are launching a summer bridge program for rising high school seniors designated as English learners.