The Mixed Methods Blog

Perspectives from our researchers, highlights from recent studies, and other news about CCRC

What Happened to Community College Enrollment During the First Years of the Pandemic? It Depends on the Students’ Age


For the first time following the pandemic, we can examine detailed state- and college-level enrollment trends by age group using the latest federal data. Senior Research Associate and Program Lead John Fink examines these numbers and offers three major takeaways on how community college enrollment changed during the pandemic.

An Opportunity to Expand College Access? Rethinking Dual Enrollment Eligibility Policies Post-Pandemic


Suspended at the height of the pandemic, placement testing is back on the table as an option for determining eligibility for dual enrollment—what should states and colleges do? CCRC researchers John Fink, Sarah Griffin, and Maggie Fay share their recommendations in this blog post.

Opening the Dual Enrollment Door Wider for English Learners: A Case Study From Maryland

Opening the Dual Enrollment Door Wider for English Learners: A Case Study From Maryland

Anne Arundel Community College and Anne Arundel County Public Schools are launching a summer bridge program for rising high school seniors designated as English learners.

From “Random Acts” and “Programs of Privilege” to Dual Enrollment Equity Pathways

From “Random Acts” and “Programs of Privilege” to Dual Enrollment Equity Pathways

CCRC researchers describe an emerging approach to dual enrollment called dual enrollment equity pathways, or DEEP, in which community colleges partner with middle and high schools to motivate and prepare underserved students to pursue college pathways in fields of interest.

How Many Schools in Your State Shut Out Students From Dual Enrollment or AP?


This interactive blog post allows you to see what percentage of schools in your state have excluded high school students with disabilities, English language learners, and students by race/ethnicity from college-level coursework.