In 2015, thirty community colleges from 17 states joined the AACC Pathways Project, embracing the challenge of redesigning the student experience at scale using the guided pathways framework. What can be learned from those colleges after eight years of work on pathways?
In a recent webinar, Innovating at Scale: Guided Pathways Adoption and Early Momentum at AACC Pathways Colleges, Hana Lahr and Davis Jenkins of CCRC and Laurel Williamson of San Jacinto College shared recommendations and highlighted key practices for implementing guided pathways at scale.
The webinar shared findings from CCRC’s research on the Pathways Project, which asked key questions such as, What changes in practices are colleges making as part of guided pathways and at what scale? Is adoption of guided pathways associated with improvements in student outcomes? How can colleges approach guided pathways adoption?
Over the course of an hour, Hana Lahr and Davis Jenkins shared findings from the project, and Laurel Williamson discussed her experience implementing guided pathways practices at scale as the president of a participating college. During a Q&A, Lahr and Williamson addressed questions from the audience, sharing advice on how to implement these practices at scale and how to approach large-scale institutional change.
The recording of the webinar can be accessed by clicking below.