The Mixed Methods Blog

Perspectives from our researchers, highlights from recent studies, and other news about CCRC

Davis Jenkins is a senior research scholar at CCRC. He works with colleges and states to find ways to improve educational and employment outcomes for students, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds.

Why Has Community College Enrollment Declined and What Can We Do About It?


Recent data suggest that students are returning to community colleges, though total numbers are well below pre-pandemic levels. Davis Jenkins explores the causes of enrollment declines in recent decades and examines ways colleges can build on successful reforms to improve student outcomes.

Looking Ahead at the Next Questions About Guided Pathways Reforms

students walking on campus pathway

Guided pathways reforms are now far enough along in a growing number of colleges that researchers can begin to examine more deeply their effects on student outcomes, as well as the institutional practices that best support these reforms. Davis Jenkins lays out the next set of questions for researchers as they seek to build the evidence base around guided pathways.