The Mixed Methods Blog

Perspectives from our researchers, highlights from recent studies, and other news about CCRC

How Does Access to Dual Enrollment and Advanced Placement Vary by Race and Gender Across States?


John Fink uses newly released data from the U.S. Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights to look at disparities in access to dual enrollment and Advanced Placement by race and gender. An interactive data visualization shows the breakdown of participation by race and gender in each state.

Acceleration for All? Mapping Racial Equity in Access to AP and Dual Enrollment


In a new CCRC working paper, Di Xu, John Fink, and Sabrina Solanki look at participation in Advanced Placement and dual enrollment courses across the country and how they differ by race and ethnicity. Here, John Fink presents two interactive tools for exploring their findings by district and metro area.

How Equitable Is Access to AP and Dual Enrollment Across States and School Districts?


This post presents a set of interactive data tools and findings from a CCRC analysis examining racial equity gaps in access to AP and dual enrollment coursework among public high school students during the 2017–18 school year.