The Mixed Methods Blog

Perspectives from our researchers, highlights from recent studies, and other news about CCRC

Community Colleges and the Future of Work: Exploring Skill Demands Amid the Pandemic


Technology and the COVID-19 pandemic have disrupted employment and accelerated changes to the workplace. Here, CCRC's Sarah Griffin and Maria Scott Cormier describe three key skills employers expect community college graduates to possess amid the evolving economic environment. 

Community Colleges and the Future of Work


Forthcoming work from CCRC and MIT aims to assess how community colleges can prepare students—particularly those from low-income and first-generation backgrounds—to adapt to and succeed in the evolving workforce.

CCRC Working With Colleges to Create Data Tool for Aligning Credit and Noncredit Programs


In this blog post, CCRC's Maria Cormier describes a new project aimed at facilitating and improving colleges' efforts to better align their credit and noncredit offerings.

The Future of Work: Making the Education System More Flexible for the Dawning Work Ecosystem


Automation will eliminate some jobs, but certain skills will remain uniquely human, Michelle Weise told an audience at Teachers College in May. 

The Robots Aren’t Coming: Paul Osterman on the Future of Work


Paul Osterman, a professor at MIT's Sloan School of Management, discussed the future of work during a February 28 talk at Teachers College organized by CCRC.