By Multiple Authors on Wednesday, 29 September 2021
Category: Essays

To Build Back Enrollment, Community Colleges Must Ensure That Their Programs Are Worth Completing

By Davis Jenkins and John Fink

Over the past few months, community college leaders have gone to great lengths to recover from the pandemic enrollment crash and attract students back—through marketing campaigns, tuition incentives, and loan or fee forgiveness. All of these efforts are needed. However, to build back enrollment over the longer term, colleges must not only take steps to make it easier to attend college but also reevaluate their programmatic offerings to ensure that all programs lead to outcomes that make them worth the investment of time and money by students and their families.

A starting point is to ask some fundamental questions: What programs are our students completing, what do they lead to, and which groups of students are underrepresented in programs leading to stronger postgraduation outcomes? The data tool below offers a bird’s-eye view of what credentials are being completed at your college or in your state.

What college credentials are students completing?