Under the Integrated Planning and Advising for Student Success (iPASS) initiative, 45 two- and four-year colleges have undertaken reforms that aim to provide students with seamless, holistic advising experiences that lead to improved academic outcomes. Colleges participating in iPASS have adopted a data-oriented approach to select and integrate new technologies into their advising practices to facilitate better interactions between students, faculty, advisors, and other student services staff.
Based on research on iPASS and other advising redesign efforts, CCRC developed an evidence-based framework for advising redesign called SSIPP, which emphasizes a sustained, strategic, integrated, proactive, and personalized approach to advising. This chapter describes the key principles of the SSIPP framework and illustrates how these principles have been adopted in reforms. The information and recommendations shared here are derived primarily from qualitative research conducted when iPASS reforms were being developed. The focus is on examples of practice and lessons learned.
This chapter, based on a CCRC working paper, is part of the book Academic Advising in the Community College, edited by Terry O’Banion and published by Rowman & Littlefield and the American Association of Community Colleges in spring 2020. All rights reserved. The book is available for purchase from Rowman & Littlefield at 800-462-6420 or www.rowman.com. Mention “6S20ACAD” and receive a 20% discount. Copies are also available for purchase from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other booksellers.