The Mixed Methods Blog

Perspectives from our researchers, highlights from recent studies, and other news about CCRC

Does It Hurt or Help Four-Year College Students to Take Community College Courses?


A new CCRC study finds that students who are primarily enrolled in four-year colleges but take some courses at two-year institutions benefit from doing so. Here, Maggie Fay and Vivian Yuen Ting Liu explain and contextualize the results of the study.  

What Does It Mean to Be a Caring Campus During the COVID-19 Pandemic?


It's important to connect with students and staff in ordinary times, but during the pandemic, fostering a sense of campus community is all the more crucial. In this blog post, experts offer ideas for keeping staff and students engaged and feeling supported while everyone is remote.

What CUNY Start Can Teach Us About Improving Teaching in Higher Ed


In the latest installment of our teaching and learning blog series, Susan Bickerstaff and Maria Cormier describe how three design principles from CUNY Start, a pre-college developmental education program, could be adapted to support broader improvements to instruction.

Want Anti-Racist Policy to Work on Today? Adequately and Equitably Fund Community Colleges


Budgets signal who and what a society values. To that end, anti-racist higher education policies should begin with allocating greater financial resources to community colleges.

More Clues From the Great Recession: How Will COVID-19 Affect Community College Funding?


In the latest installment of our COVID-19 blog series, Davis Jenkins, John Fink, and Thomas Brock use Great Recession-era data as a potential blueprint for how community college funding may shift moving forward.