Students’ choice of an academic major influences their future earnings and likelihood of academic success, yet research shows that new college students receive minimal assistance in selecting a path through college and into the labor market. This project is examining new cost-effective approaches to helping students select and successfully enter a college program of study within the context of efforts by colleges nationally to clarify program paths to end goals through “guided pathways” reforms.
Working with two leading Florida community colleges, Indian River State College and St. Petersburg College, CCRC is assessing the effectiveness of the career guidance strategies they are implementing as part of larger guided pathways reforms they are implementing. CCRC is examining their implementation of these approaches; evaluating specific practices (electronic information provision at St. Petersburg College and a career-focused dual high school enrollment at Indian River); and analyzing trends in student outcomes. CCRC is conducting these investigations using both qualitative and quantitative research methods.
This project is funded by JP Morgan Global Philanthropy.