The Mathematics Pathways to Completion (MPC) project is an initiative designed by the Charles A. Dana Center at the University of Texas at Austin. Six states participating in MPC are working to implement Dana Center Mathematics Pathways principles at scale, with technical assistance and support from the Dana Center. Scaling includes building momentum and legitimacy for mathematics pathways in two-year and four-year public institutions within the states, and creating conditions for colleges to implement accelerated pathways that align math content to fields of study through developmental and gatekeeper courses. Ensuring the transfer and applicability of courses in the pathways across colleges is a specific aim of this work.
CCRC’s role in the MPC initiative is threefold:
- to conduct a formative evaluation of MPC focusing on the state-level and institutional-level conditions necessary to scale math pathways across colleges;
- to examine how states and institutions use the technical assistance and resources provided by the Dana Center; and
- to support the six states in developing plans for internal evaluations of the effectiveness of their efforts to improve student outcomes.
This project is funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.