October 27, 2023

Multiple Measures, Better Outcomes

Inside Higher Ed reports on a recent CAPR study that shows that using multiple measures to decide whether students belong in remedial coursework, instead of using standard placement exams, results in more students taking and succeeding in college-level English and math courses.

October 26, 2023

Growing Enrollment, Shrinking Future

According to enrollment data from the National Student Clearinghouse, total college enrollment rates are up for the first time since 2020, especially at community colleges. Thomas Brock told Inside Higher Ed that some of the more dramatic increases can be attributed to two-year institutions climbing out of the deep post-pandemic hole. The 74 also reported on the data.

October 24, 2023

Boom Time for Maine’s Community Colleges

Enrollment in the state's two-year system hit an all-time high this fall, despite national declines and the state’s aging population. John Fink told Inside Higher Ed that the big takeaway from Maine is that the state is delivering "not just a promise to students [of free college], but a pathway to get them there." 

October 13, 2023

WA Colleges Help Transfer Students Chart a Path to Four-Year Degrees

With the present transfer system, gaps in transfer success are inevitable, John Fink told The Seattle Times. “In so many ways, we’ve set this up not to work for students."

October 10, 2023

A DEEPer Approach to Dual Enrollment

For dual enrollment to be transformational at scale, it needs a revamped strategic approach that aligns better with students’ interests and potential career pathways, and expands access to underserved students, Community College Daily reports.

October 10, 2023

Dual-Credit Programs Are Growing, But Do They Reach the Students Who Need Them Most?

“We need to build and tap into students’ motivation,” John Fink told EducationWeek about rethinking dual credit courses. "If you’re going to broaden access to dual enrollment, you also have to up the supports to make sure students succeed and do well in these courses.”

October 10, 2023

Dual Enrollment Is Exploding. How Can Colleges Make Sure It’s Equitable?

“You can’t have equity without quality,” John Fink told The Chronicle of Higher Education about dual enrollment course offerings. “You can’t just try to broaden access and not give students a good-quality, well-aligned dual-enrollment course. That’s not doing anybody any favors.”

October 10, 2023

Equity-Focused Possibilities for Dual Enrollment

“These are programs of privilege,” John Fink told Inside Higher Ed. “The mind-set that educators bring to them and the way that policies are set up reinforces the idea that dual-enrollment courses are advanced courses for students who are already on the college track."

October 10, 2023

Dual Enrollment Are Often ‘Programs of Privilege,’ Report Says

High schools and colleges typically offer a “laissez-faire” approach to dual enrollment, which means that high school students will randomly pepper their schedule with college courses with little focus on a college or career plan. This approach tends to favor more privileged students, EdSource reports.

October 10, 2023

4 Ways to Ensure Underresourced Students Excel in Dual Enrollment Outcomes

CCRC researchers created the Dual Enrollment Equity Pathways (DEEP) program to help K12 and higher education work together to help those who would benefit the most from dual enrollment actually realize success in the program. University Business distills four recommendations for rethinking dual enrollment. This article also appears in District Administration.