CCRC is partnering with Mathematica and Social Policy Research Associates on a national mixed-methods evaluation of the implementation and effectiveness of the fourth round of the Strengthening Community Colleges Training Grants Program (SCC4). This program builds on evidence from prior sector-based and career pathway programs, such as the U.S. Department of Labor-funded Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training (TAACCCT) program and the America’s Promise Jobs-Driven Grants. Through these grants, community colleges will adopt evidence-based career pathways programs that lead to equitable access to employment opportunities in good jobs in local industries. SCC4 seeks to build community colleges’ capacity to equitably support students in obtaining good jobs and meet employers’ needs for skilled workers by enhancing sector-based career pathways programs. SCC4 programs have four core elements: (1) sector-based career pathways programs; (2) good jobs, equitable employment outcomes, and incorporation of students’ voice; (3) evidence-based strategies for employer engagement, comprehensive student support services, and academic and training offerings; and (4) sustainable systems change.
The five-year evaluation includes an evaluability assessment, an impact evaluation, and an implementation study, which will contextualize the impact study results in addition to providing insights on how SCC4 programs implemented this promising model. Findings will shed light on which programs are effective for which types of students, why they are effective, and the core components that support success.
This project is funded by the U.S. Department of Labor through a contract with Mathematica.