How to Boost Community College Transfers
What can we learn from two- and four-year institutions where transfer student success is higher than the national average? Tatiana Velasco shares four key takeaways in The Chronicle of Higher Education.
The Case for Corequisite Support in Dual Enrollment
Corequisite supports could reduce inequities in what’s proven to be an important pathway for preparing students to enroll and succeed in college, Jennifer Zinth and Elisabeth A. Barnett write in an op-ed for Inside Higher Ed.
Research to Inform Stronger Adult Education ESL Policy and Practice
In this guest blog, Nikki Edgecombe and George Bunch discuss their IES study focused on identifying the policies and practices that support multilingual learners in community colleges, as well as the important role of adult education English as a second language.
Students: Just Say No to Remedial Classes
In an op-ed featured in Inside Higher Ed, CCRC’s Maggie P. Fay says community college students should stand up and refuse remedial course placements.
Five Strategies to Reform Developmental Ed
In an op-ed for Community College Daily, CCRC’s Senior Researcher Susan Bickerstaff, along with Erika Lewy and Katie Beal of MDRC, discussed their recent CAPR report in which they synthesize a decade of research on developmental education and distill it into five evidence-based principles that institutions can use to guide developmental reform efforts.
Engage New Students Early or Lose Them: Here’s How to Do It
In an op-ed for Diverse: Issues in Higher Education, CCRC Senior Research Associate and Director of Applied Learning Hana Lahr, Senior Research Scholar Davis Jenkins, and president and CEO of the Institute for Evidence-Based Change Brad Phillips discussed two frameworks they have developed to remedy the lack of connection many community college students experience early in their college careers: Ask-Connect-Inspire-Plan (ACIP) and Caring Campus.
Clarifying the Terrain of Credentials
In Community College Daily, CCRC Affiliate Jim Jacobs reviewed Credentials: Understand the problems. Identify the opportunities. Create the solutions. by Paul L. Gaston and Michelle Van Noy. He wrote that the book aids in distinguishing among types of credentials and helps unwrap the critical issues associated with them.
College Now, Reimagined: Adams and Banks Should Bolster a Program That Lets High School Kids Earn College Credit
Teachers College President Thomas Bailey and CCRC Senior Research Scholar Davis Jenkins argued in an op-ed in the New York Daily News that dual enrollment could help NYC schools and the City University of New York recover from pandemic challenges.
Why Information Alone Is Not Enough to Improve Higher Education Outcomes
CCRC Senior Research Scholar Judith Scott-Clayton co-wrote an article for Brookings' Brown Center Chalkboard arguing that it's not enough for the government to simply provide students with information about college outcomes. Elected officials have a responsibility to identify, sanction, and possibly close institutions that students shouldn't go to.
Biden’s Free Community College Plan Is Dead. But There Are Other Ways for Congress to Help Students
Teachers College President Thomas Bailey and CCRC Director Thomas Brock wrote an op-ed in The Washington Post about why modest federal investment would go a long way toward enabling community college students to complete their studies and enter the workforce.