Press Releases
Study Uncovers Policies and Practices at Community Colleges That Lead to Student and Institutional Success
CCRC's report is based on a comparison of Florida community colleges that analysis shows have a higher impact on student academic success with colleges that have a lower impact.
The report discusses ways that states are fostering connections between high schools, community colleges, four-year institutions, and the labor market in order to benefit career and technical education students.
New Study Shows Significantly More Hispanics Attended CUNY in Last Decade, but Their Achievement Lags Other Ethnic Groups
The study looked at the representation of Hispanic students at CUNY relative to their population in the city and how the enrollment and achievement of these students changed from 1990 and 2000.
Moving Beyond K-12, Community College Stakeholders Work to Broaden Educational Equity Movement
CCRC, in partnership with the Campaign for Educational Equity at Teachers College, laid out the case that to be truly competitive in today’s workplace, educational success needs to go beyond the 12th grade.
Report Offers Compelling Insight and Outlines Recommendations for Credit-Based Transition Programs
A new report by the U.S. Department of Education examines the practices of credit-based transition programs, highlighting successes and areas of improvement.
State Dual Enrollment Policies Not Sufficient to Reach Students Who Might Benefit From Them Most
While most policymakers and educators hope to expand the availability of credit-based transition programs at community colleges, few states have legislation that supports outreach to low- and middle-achieving students.
CCRC has released a report based on a first-of-its-kind study using student record information to track the progress and outcomes of low-skill adults in community colleges.
As President Bush Begins Second Term, Educational and Economic Opportunity Closely Tied to Future of America's Community Colleges
President Bush reinforced the key role that these vital institutions play during his campaign; now, many are asking how the federal government can provide better support to community colleges.