Upcoming Presentations

League for Innovation in the Community College

Beyond Engagement: Evidence-Based Strategies for Improving Learning Online

Date & Time TBD

Students and faculty both encounter challenges in the online environment. These challenges frequently manifest and are understood in terms of low student engagement. In this session, researchers and community college faculty will present a specific and actionable framework to bolster students’ abilities to remain motivated and manage their learning processes in online courses. The presenters refer to these mutually reinforcing mindsets and behaviors as self-directed learning (SDL) skills and they include motivational processes (e.g., self-efficacy), metacognitive processes (e.g., planning), and applied learning processes (e.g., help seeking). Presenters will describe a set of evidence-based instructional strategies to support SDL developed in collaboration with instructors at broad-access institutions. Speakers will share research findings on how the strategies have been implemented in postsecondary online STEM courses and their effect on student outcomes. A community college faculty member will share their experience implementing the strategies in an online biology course.


Ellen Wasserman, Research Associate, CCRC

Allystair Jones, Department Chair, Science & Professor of Biology, Odessa College

Keena Walters, Education Research Associate, SRI Education

Research on Math as a Barrier and Opportunity for Transfer

April 17, 2024
Just Equations Webinar
Over the past decade, numerous new policies have transformed the content and delivery of undergraduate mathematics courses. Research has linked policies such as multiple measures placement, corequisite courses, and math choices aligned with students’ majors to improved success rates at both two- and four-year universities. Less is understood about how math influences the transitions of students who transfer from community colleges to four-year universities. In this session, researchers shared national and state-level perspectives on this subject and directions for future research.


Senior Research Associate
Community College Research Center
Assistant Vice Provost for Student Success Research Lab
The Ohio State University
Marisol Cuellar Mejia
Research Fellow
Public Policy Institute of California