Ellen Wasserman is a research associate with CCRC. Working with the Postsecondary Teaching with Technology Collaborative, she is researching how technology can be used to enhance students’ use of self-directed learning skills in online STEM courses. In addition, Wasserman is working on the Center for the Analysis of Postsecondary Readiness (CAPR) to track postsecondary developmental education reform. Wasserman’s research interests also include community college baccalaureate programs, improving persistence for first-generation community college students, and faculty development that fosters cultural strengths awareness and inclusive teaching practices for racially/ethnically minoritized students.
As an adjunct professor of English and First-Year Seminar at Westchester Community College, Wasserman has a passion for student success. Through her work at CCRC, she hopes to support efforts to increase equitable access to degree attainment for community college students.
Wasserman holds an EdD in community college leadership from New Jersey City University, an MAT in secondary education English from Manhattanville College, and a BA in English from Barnard College.