Colin Chellman is the university dean for institutional and policy research at the City University of New York, where he was most recently the founding director of the Office of Policy Research. In that role, he oversaw analyses of college readiness; racial, income, and gender access and performance gaps; the role of college in economic development and workforce training; the educational experiences and choices of immigrant students; and the inter-relationships of housing and education.
With Gates Foundation support, he is working with the New York City Department of Education (DOE) to build a shared student-level longitudinal tracking data system that both institutions will use to improve their understanding of college readiness and the high school-to-college pipeline.
Chellman’s work has been published in Education Week as well as peer-reviewed journals such as Economics of Education Review, Education Finance and Policy, TCRecord, Urban Affairs Review, Educational Policy, Education and Urban Society, Housing Policy Debate, and the Journal of the American Planning Association. From 2013-2016, he served on the board of the Association for Education Finance and Policy (AEFP).
Before joining CUNY, Chellman was a research scientist at New York University’s (NYU) Institute for Education and Social Policy; an adjunct professor at NYU teaching courses in public policy, financial management, and public finance; and a research manager for the Council on Economic Priorities. In 2006, Chellman received AEFP’s New Scholar Award. He holds an MPA and a PhD in public policy and finance from NYU’s Wagner School, and a BA in international relations/political science from the Johns Hopkins University.