The High School to College Pathway: Enrollment & Success for Recent High School Graduates at Tennessee Community Colleges
TBR—The College System of Tennessee | March 2023
This dashboard tracks trends in community college enrollment, selection of academic focus area, and student success across several metrics over the last decade. It allows users to filter the data by community college, high school region, K-12 district, high school, race and ethnicity, Pell recipient status, number of learning supports needed, and full or part-time enrollment status.
Transfer and Progress: Fall 2022 Report
NSC Research Center | March 2023
This report combines information on current term transfer rates with data on community college students who reach transfer and completion milestones within six years. It also expands on previous transfer reports with additional levels of disaggregation and introduces a new experimental measure of students’ income background. An accompanying data dashboard is available.
Current Term Enrollment Estimates: Fall 2022 (Expanded Edition)
NSC Research Center | February 2023
This dashboard-based report provides the latest college enrollment estimates and features new analyses of race and ethnicity, undergraduate and graduate enrollment by major field at the state level, and institutional selectivity.
Pandemic-Period Enrollment and Persistence in California Community Colleges
Wheelhouse | August 2022
This infographic illustrates changes in student enrollment and persistence in the first 18 months of the pandemic.
Reminder Postcards and Simpler Emails Encouraged College Students to Apply for CalFresh
California Policy Lab | August 2022
This policy brief describes an experiment to test the relative effectiveness of different messages and modes of communication in increasing the number of students who applied for and eventually enrolled in CalFresh.
Emailing College Students and the Impact on CalFresh Applications
California Policy Lab | August 2022
This policy brief describes an experiment to test the impact of email outreach on increasing the number of students who applied for and eventually enrolled in CalFresh.
California Community College and University of California Student Participation in CalFresh Food Benefits
California Policy Lab | February 2022
This data point provides estimates of the rates at which California Community College system and University of California students participate in CalFresh.
Catastrophe or Catalyst? Reflections on COVID’s Impact on Community Colleges
CCRC | December 2021
This essay discusses how students and community colleges responded to the pandemic and what their experiences reveal about inequities in higher education.
Addressing the Barriers College Students Face When Accessing CalFresh Food Benefits
California Policy Lab | December 2021
Based on interviews with students, basic needs specialists, and local and state government representatives in California, this brief provides an initial picture of common barriers to student participation in CalFresh.
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