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California Policy Lab

Trends in Community College Enrollment and CalFresh Eligibility During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Trends in Community College Enrollment and CalFresh Eligibility During the COVID-19 Pandemic

California Policy Lab | January 2025

Sam Ayers, Jennifer Hogg, Johanna Lacoe, Alan Perez & Jesse Rothstein

This policy brief describes how eligibility for CalFresh changed among community college students because of broader college enrollment changes during the height of the pandemic and due to the temporary eligibility changes Congress made to SNAP.

Many California Community College Students Are Eligible For—But Not Receiving—CalFresh Benefits

Many California Community College Students Are Eligible For—But Not Receiving—CalFresh Benefits

California Policy Lab | December 2024

Jennifer Hogg, Sam Ayers, Johanna Lacoe, Alan Perez & Jesse Rothstein

Using a linked database of student-level administrative data on college enrollment, financial aid, and CalFresh participation, this brief estimates how many California community college students are eligible for CalFresh, how many students are taking up those benefits, and how many are missing out.

Filling the Gap: CalFresh Eligibility Among University of California and California Community College Students

Filling the Gap: CalFresh Eligibility Among University of California and California Community College Students

California Policy Lab | June 2024

Jesse Rothstein, Johanna Lacoe, Sam Ayers, Karla Palos Castellanos, Elise Dizon-Ross, Anna Doherty, Jamila Henderson, Jennifer Hogg, Sarah Hoover, Alan Perez & Justine Weng

This report links college enrollment and financial aid application data and compares it to CalFresh eligibility rules to create more precise estimates of how many students are likely eligible for CalFresh. The authors pinpoint the eligibility criteria and program rules that appear to have the biggest impact in determining eligibility.

CalFresh Participation Among California’s College Students: A 2020–21 School Year Update

CalFresh Participation Among California’s College Students: A 2020–21 School Year Update

California Policy Lab | April 2024

Alan Perez, Sarah Hoover, Jamila Henderson, Jennifer Hogg, Johanna Lacoe & Jesse Rothstein

This data point provides estimates of CalFresh participation rates among community college and University of California (UC) students in California. It updates numbers from a previous first data point, which focused on CalFresh enrollment during the 2019–20 school year.

California Community College and University of California Student Participation in CalFresh Food Benefits

California Community College and University of California Student Participation in CalFresh Food Benefits

California Policy Lab | February 2022

Karla Palos Castellanos, Charles Davis, Elise Dizon-Ross, Anna Doherty, Samantha Fu, Johanna Lacoe, Jesse Rothstein & Monica Saucedo

This data point provides estimates of the rates at which California Community College system and University of California students participate in CalFresh.

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