

How HEER Funding Rescued Community Colleges From the Pandemic

CCRC | March 2024

Clive Belfield, Thomas Brock, John Fink & Davis Jenkins

Using financial data from IPEDS, this brief examines what happened to community college revenue and student aid during the pandemic and assesses the importance of Higher Education Emergency Relief (HEER) funding for community colleges and their students.


Transfer and Progress: Fall 2023 Report

NSC Research Center | February 2024

This report combines information on current term transfer rates with data on community college students who reach transfer and completion milestones within six years. Detailed data on postsecondary participation, mobility, and progress among economically disadvantaged students is included, as well as disaggregated data on disparities in pandemic recovery and transfer outcomes across differing student and institutional characteristics.


Current Term Enrollment Estimates: Fall 2023

NSC Research Center | January 2024

This dashboard-based report provides the latest college enrollment estimates along with new analyses of students’ neighborhood income background, enrollment at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), community college enrollment by transfer or vocational program focus, and trends by institution locale, along with more detailed information on enrollment by credential level, age, and major field.


Pandemic-Period Changes in Enrollment and Success Among Young Adults at Tennessee Community Colleges

TBR—The College System of Tennessee | November 2023

This brief describes the pandemic-period changes in enrollment and student success for young adult students at Tennessee’s 13 community colleges. After identifying areas where community colleges have bounced back and areas of ongoing challenges, this brief concludes with a description of new projects and tools designed to help the system promote pandemic recovery.


How Florida Community and Technical Colleges Are Aligning CTE Programming to the Labor Market in a Post-COVID Era

WestEd | October 2023

Jenna Terrell, Diana Roldan-Rueda, Angela Estacion, Hayler Spencer & Cameron Sublett

This brief describes findings from a statewide survey in Florida that sheds light on how community and technical colleges are examining student and economic data, creating processes for program review and market alignment, engaging industries and businesses, and supporting student success in career and technical education (CTE) after the pandemic.


Pandemic Relief Funding Dashboard

CCRC | October 2023

Hollie Daniels Sarica

An interactive Tableau dashboard presents publicly available award and spending data on HEER Funds from the Education Stabilization Fund (ESF) Transparency Portal. Users are able to examine funding and spending trends at community colleges across the country by region, state, and other institutional characteristics.


“We Will Not Go Back to What We Had”: Faculty’s Efforts to Deliver Effective Distance Education in the Los Angeles Community College District

Center for Education Policy Research | August 2023

Elise Swanson, Rachel Worsham & Soumya Mishra

In response to student demand that arose during the pandemic, the Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD) has modified its course offerings to allow for more online and hybrid options. This brief examines faculty reactions to the use of a variety of course modality options.


Pandemic Relief Funding for Community Colleges

CCRC | June 2023

Hollie Daniels Sarica, Tia Monahan & Megan Anderson

In response to the pandemic, over $75 billion of federal money was directed to institutions of higher education through the Higher Education Emergency Relief (HEER) Funds. This brief describes the broad purposes of the funds, and it provides a first look at how much funding was awarded to and spent by the nation’s community colleges between March 2020 and February 2023.

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