Are Labor Market Opportunities Diverting Potential Community College Students? Lessons From Los Angeles County
What is driving the recent decline in community college enrollment? Many explanations have been posited, from improving job opportunities, to a decreasing payoff from getting a degree, to a shrinking working-age population. To gain clarity, researchers took a deep dive into the labor market in Los Angeles County to explore these trends on a local level.
Examining Losses and Recoveries in Community College Enrollment: Lessons From the Los Angeles Community College District
A clear understanding of community college enrollment losses is critical for driving institutional responses. What, then, is causing the enrollment decline—and will it continue? This blog post looks to Los Angeles Community College District's experiences for answers.
Video: Where Community Colleges Are Seeing Promising Enrollment Growth
In a new video, Doug Shapiro and Hee Sun Kim of the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center present findings from their Current Term Enrollment Estimates report for fall 2023, with a special focus on the numbers for community colleges.
Community College Pandemic Recovery: What Are the New Enrollment Numbers Showing?
As the pandemic wanes and community colleges begin to find their new normal, the latest numbers from the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center indicate that enrollment is stabilizing. This is welcome news, but are some parts of the country, student groups, and types of community college programs doing better than others?