Safety Net
Congress Made More College Students Eligible for Food Benefits During the Pandemic. Should Those Changes Be Permanent?
A recent analysis sheds light on how two COVID-era policy changes affected community college students' eligibility for grocery assistance benefits.
Most Eligible College Students Don’t Participate in SNAP. How Can Colleges Change That?
SNAP benefits can help college students pay for groceries, but barriers to access have created a large take-up gap. Learn about outreach strategies California community colleges have used to connect students with food benefits in this blog post.
Qualifying for Public Food Benefits Is More Complicated for College Students. The EATS Act Would Make It Easier.
California has put significant effort into connecting food-insecure college students to CalFresh (known nationally as SNAP) benefits. To support these efforts, the California Policy Lab partnered with state agencies and higher education systems to generate the first estimates of CalFresh participation and eligibility rates for California students.
“You Can’t Deny the Whole Student”: Student Supports During and After the Pandemic
In a podcast-style interview, researchers from three ARCC projects recently sat down to talk about what they have learned about students’ support needs during and after the pandemic and how colleges are addressing them. Listen to the audio interview and read the transcript featured within this blog post.
The Role of Social Safety-Net Programs in College Student Success
Jennifer Hogg, Dr. Johanna Lacoe, and Dr. Jesse Rothstein from the California Policy Lab discuss their project to develop a better understanding of SNAP participation among California community college students and improve students’ access to safety-net programs.