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An Interactive Dashboard for Exploring Pandemic Relief Funding

2024-03-18T15:50:51+00:00October 3, 2023|Categories: Blog|Tags: , |

A new interactive Tableau dashboard developed for the ARCC Network presents publicly available award and spending data on HEER Funds from the Education Stabilization Fund (ESF) Transparency Portal. Users are able to examine funding and spending trends at community colleges across the country by region, state, and other institutional characteristics.

Introducing the Student Advisory Group for Virginia Workforce Recovery: A Partnership to Strengthen G3

2024-05-15T19:14:23+00:00September 21, 2023|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , |

CCRC's first-ever formal student advisory group will incorporate the perspectives and experiences of students into the research on G3, Virginia Community College's workforce recovery initiative. The new Student Advisory Group will also provide feedback on research design and initial findings and participate in disseminating the findings.

Four Lessons on Remote Learning: Los Angeles Community College District Faculty Share Strategies for Student Engagement in Distance Education Courses

2024-02-14T16:15:00+00:00August 25, 2023|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , , |

As community colleges have shifted instruction from in-person to distance education, faculty are wrestling with the challenge of spurring authentic engagement between students and both teaching staff and their peers. Researchers from Leveraging Technology and Engaging Students (LTES) identify four key strategies faculty use to increase student engagement in distance education courses.

ARCC Network Survey Explores How Colleges Spent Federal Recovery Funds

2023-10-03T15:40:53+00:00June 20, 2023|Categories: Blog|Tags: , |

During the pandemic, Congress appropriated more than $25 billion in Higher Education Emergency Relief (HEER) Funds to help community colleges and their students. How did colleges use these funds? What were the results of their spending and associated efforts? What remaining needs do they have, if any? The ARCC Network’s Survey of Pandemic Relief Spending and Recovery Strategies seeks to answer these questions.

FastForward and Get a Skill, Get a Job, Get Ahead (G3): System-Wide Strategies for Helping Adults Access Training and Earn Credentials

2023-10-03T15:41:19+00:00June 12, 2023|Categories: Blog|Tags: , |

Maria S. Cormier, Ariel Deutsch, and Betsy L. Tessler explore two Virginia Community College System programs for helping adults earn credentials that improve their labor market prospects and provide on-ramps to further education: FastForward and Get a Skill, Get a Job, Get Ahead (G3).

Community College Pandemic Recovery: What Are the New Enrollment Numbers Showing?

2023-03-23T16:58:01+00:00March 21, 2023|Categories: Blog|Tags: , |

As the pandemic wanes and community colleges begin to find their new normal, the latest numbers from the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center indicate that enrollment is stabilizing. This is welcome news, but are some parts of the country, student groups, and types of community college programs doing better than others?

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