The Net Benefits of Raising Bachelor’s Degree Completion Through CUNY's ACE Program
This Center on Poverty and Social Policy working paper estimates the incremental long-run benefits and costs of participation in CUNY’s Accelerate, Complete, and Engage program, aimed at increasing bachelor’s completion rates.
Creating Caring Campuses: A Faculty-Led Approach
This journal article describes the design of the Caring Campus–Faculty program, presents findings from four years of research on important practices and outcomes, and describes implementation experiences at one college that adopted the program.
Institutional and Student Responses to Free College: Evidence From Virginia
Using administrative data, this paper analyzes Get a Skill, Get a Job, Get Ahead (G3)—a free community college initiative that Virginia implemented in 2021—and shows that both institutions and students responded to the tuition-free messaging and eligibility criteria.
Increasing Access to High-Demand Occupational Training: An Exploration of G3’s Recruitment and Enrollment Strategies
This ARCC Network brief uses enrollment and outcome data as well as interview data from eight colleges implementing the Get A Skill, Get A Job, Get Ahead (G3) program to examine college-level G3 outreach, recruitment, and enrollment strategies and the process for awarding G3 aid.
Understanding the Personal Support Networks of First-Generation College Students From Immigrant Backgrounds
This book chapter explores the personal support networks and help-seeking preferences of immigrant-origin, first-generation-in-college students (FGCS) as part of a three-year longitudinal mixed-methods study with FGCSs at four public Hispanic-serving institutions in California.
Implementing Caring Campus: Strategies College Presidents Use to Improve Culture and Support Reform
Based on interview data, this report examines a set of seven strategies that presidents of community colleges implementing Caring Campus are using to develop a more positive college culture and to support this culture-focused reform.
Pell Grants and Community College Students
This policy fact sheet discusses revenue streams for community colleges, disparity in resources relative to public four-year colleges, and federal spending, including COVID-19 relief funding.
Six Years Later: Examining the Academic and Employment Outcomes of the Original and Reinstated Summer Pell
Using administrative data from the City University of New York (CUNY), this paper examines the impact of the summer Pell program on community college student persistence, completion, and employment outcomes.
Helping Underserved Students at Higher Performing iPASS Colleges: An Exploration of Support Practices
This report shares results of research undertaken to understand what five iPASS institutions were doing before and during the iPASS grant period to advise and support Black, Latinx, and low-income students both in and outside the classroom.
Caring Campus: Faculty Leadership in Student Success
Caring Campus/Faculty is a program aimed at increasing students’ connection to college; this report shares findings from a study on how it is being adopted at several colleges, including insights into effective faculty engagement and implementation.
Implementing Caring Campus With Nonacademic Staff: Lessons From Participating Colleges
Based on fieldwork at six institutions, this report describes how colleges are implementing Caring Campus/Staff, a program designed to engage nonacademic staff in improving interactions with students and fostering a culture of caring at community colleges.
Advising and Student Supports at Community Colleges
This fact sheet describes the importance of academic and nonacademic services, particularly for underserved students, and how students that receive targeted, intensive support experience improved outcomes.
Participation in Federal Work-Study
This fact sheet outlines how the Federal Work-Study program works, its effects on academic and labor market outcomes, and why so few community college students receive Federal Work-Study aid.
How Ohio Community Colleges Are Using Guided Pathways to Personalize Student Support
This report examines how Ohio community colleges—which have been engaged in guided pathways reform for several years—are innovating within the model to provide scaled, personalized support to help students gain early academic momentum.
Strategies for Improving Postsecondary Credential Attainment Among Black, Hispanic, and Native American Adults
This set of three studies examines what states and community colleges can do to address the needs of racially minoritized adult learners who are pursuing postsecondary education and training as a path to re-employment, better jobs, and higher incomes.
Five Years Later: Technology and Advising Redesign at Early Adopter Colleges
This brief discusses the experiences, achievements, and challenges of 26 broad-access two- and four-year colleges that, in 2015, began steps to adopt or enhance technology-mediated advising practices to improve the way they support students.
Caring Campus: An Initiative to Involve Community College Staff in Increasing Student Success
This brief describes the importance of nonacademic staff to the student experience and presents initial findings related to the Caring Campus initiative’s capacity to affect college culture and ground further change efforts.
Using Technology to Redesign College Advising and Student Support: Findings and Lessons From Three Colleges' Efforts to Build on the iPASS Initiative
This report summarizes enhancements to technology-based advising at three institutions and their effects on students' academic outcomes for four semesters after study entry.
Scaling ASAP: How Expanding a Successful Program Supported Broader Institutional Change at Bronx Community College
This brief examines the relationship between BCC’s ASAP expansion and institutional change to illuminate how scaling a discrete reform can impact other areas of the college and change the way an institution serves all students.
Lessons Learned From Advising Redesigns at Three Colleges
This report presents findings on the implementation of technology-mediated advising reforms at California State University at Fresno, Montgomery County Community College, and the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.