Strategies for Postsecondary Students in Developmental Education
This practice guide presents six evidence-based recommendations for college and university faculty, administrators, and advisors working to improve the success of students academically underprepared for college.
Understanding the Relative Value of Alternative Pathways in Postsecondary Education: Evidence From the State of Virginia
This book chapter replicates and extends analyses completed in other statewide studies and estimates returns to credentials and credit accumulation for first-time college students who enrolled in the Virginia Community College System (VCCS) in 2004–2005 using a classic Mincerian approach.
STEM-Focused Technology-Mediated Advising Reform: Plans for Implementation by Four Colleges
This brief discusses four colleges’ STEM-focused iPASS implementation, including their reasons for undertaking reform, their plans for piloting and scaling up iPASS, and early evidence of change.
Black-White Disparity in Student Loan Debt More Than Triples After Graduation
In this report for Brookings, Judith Scott-Clayton lays out a new analysis that shows that the gap in student debt between Black and White bachelor's degree earners triples in the four years after graduation.
Integrated Planning and Advising for Student Success (iPASS): State of the Literature
This paper examines the current state of the literature on Integrated Planning and Advising for Student Success (iPASS), an increasingly popular approach to technology-mediated advising reform.
Performance Funding for Higher Education
This book is the culmination of a three-year study of performance funding in Indiana, Ohio, and Tennessee. Based on interviews with state officials and staff at 18 public institutions, the book delves into the policy implications of performance funding, which ties state financial support of colleges and universities to institutional performance.
A Holistic Conception of Nonacademic Support: How Four Mechanisms Combine to Encourage Positive Student Outcomes in the Community College
Building on Karp's 2011 framework of nonacademic support, this article explores the evidence that holistic support can encourage community college students’ success.
Financial Aid, Debt Management, and Socioeconomic Outcomes: Post-College Effects of Merit-Based Aid
This paper utilizes two complementary quasi-experimental strategies to identify causal effects of the WV PROMISE scholarship, a broad-based state merit aid program, up to 10 years post–college entry and examine important outcomes that have not previously been examined, including homeownership, neighborhood characteristics, and financial management.
Matching Talents to Careers: From Self-Directed to Guided Pathways
This chapter in the book Matching Students to Opportunity examines the matching process between students and college programs or majors, primarily in community colleges.
How Colleges Use Integrated Planning and Advising for Student Success (iPASS) to Transform Student Support
This paper examines technology-mediated advising reform in order to contribute to the understanding of how colleges engage in transformative change to improve student outcomes.
Early Labor Market and Debt Outcomes for Bachelor’s Degree Recipients: Heterogeneity by Institution Type and Major, and Trends Over Time
Using national data on baccalaureate recipients in 1993 and 2008, this CAPSEE working paper examines labor market and debt outcomes four years after students graduate, with a focus on exploring heterogeneity by institution type and major, as well as trends over time.
Momentum: The Academic and Economic Value of a 15-Credit First-Semester Course Load for College Students in Tennessee
Using student-level data from the Tennessee Board of Regents, this paper explores the academic and economic consequences of taking higher or lower credit loads in the first semester and first year of college.
Classifying STEM Programs in Community Colleges to Develop a State-Level Middle-Skill STEM Workforce Strategy
This CAPSEE working paper provides a classification scheme for sub-baccalaureate STEM programs and, using data from Virginia, analyzes short-term earnings returns to community college STEM credentials.
Postsecondary Partnerships in Collective Impact
Using data from a study of the Ford Corridors of College Success initiative, this brief examines how postsecondary institutions have attempted to develop multi-sector partnerships within a collective impact context.
Guided Pathways to Careers: Four Dimensions of Structure in Community College Career-Technical Programs
This study documents the specific ways that community college career-technical programs are structured to support student success, and it provides a framework for examining structure to inform practice and guide future research efforts.
Does Developmental Education Improve Labor Market Outcomes? Evidence From Two States
Using longitudinal student-unit record data linked to wage record data, this paper estimates the labor market returns to developmental credits versus college-level credits in two states.
When College Students Start Behind
This report for The Century Foundation's College Completion Series lays out the open questions on how to reform developmental education.
Do Students Benefit From Going Backward? The Academic and Labor Market Consequences of Four- to Two-Year College Transfer
This CAPSEE working paper examines the effects of four-year to two-year college transfer on “struggling” students, or those who earned less than a 3.0 grade point average in the first term.
Improving Student Services for Military Veterans
Based largely on an examination of college proposals for the Kisco Foundation’s Kohlberg Prize, this review (summary available) presents key insights and policy recommendations about services for military veterans attending community colleges.
The Transfer Playbook: Essential Practices for Two- and Four-Year Colleges
This playbook is a practical guide to designing and implementing a key set of practices that will help community colleges and their four-year college partners improve bachelor’s completion rates for students who start at community colleges.