What Accounts for Gaps in Student Loan Default, and What Happens After
This Brookings Institution report uses data from the U.S. Department of Education to examine whether disparities in student loan default rates by race/ethnicity and institution sector can be explained by other factors, along with what happens after a default and whether this also varies across student subgroups.
Baseline Trends in Key Performance Indicators Among Colleges Participating in a Technology-Mediated Advising Reform Initiative
This paper looks at baseline key performance indicators (KPIs) for 26 two- and four-year institutions that received grants to implement technology-mediated advising reforms.
Practitioner Perspectives on the Use of Predictive Analytics in Targeted Advising for College Students
This CCRC working paper examines the perspectives of college personnel engaged in the consideration, launch, and use of predictive analytics tools for targeted advising.
Higher Education Choice-Making in the United States: Freedom, Inequality, Legitimation
This paper released by the Centre for Global Higher Education at the University of London examines how the process of making higher education choices in the United States—whether to enter higher education, attend a particular college, or follow a particular route—reproduces and legitimates social inequality.
How and Why Do Adjunct Instructors Affect Students’ Academic Outcomes? Evidence From Two-Year and Four-Year Colleges
Using student transcript records and detailed college instructor employment information from one state, this CAPSEE working paper examines whether adjunct faculty have different impacts on student academic outcomes than tenure-track and tenured faculty.
Responding to Divergent Trends: Vocational and Transfer Education at Community Colleges
In this article for Change: The Magazine for Higher Learning, CCRC Founding Director and Teachers College President Thomas Bailey outlines the tradeoff between degrees and short-term credentials offered to community college students and describes how the colleges themselves may be able to help resolve this conflict.
Developmental Education Reform Outcomes by Subpopulation
This chapter discusses the importance of scrutinizing the outcomes of developmental education reforms across race/ethnicity, socioeconomic status, gender, and level of developmental need.
Addressing Academic Underpreparedness in Service of College Completion
In this article, the authors posit that a reframing of academic preparedness is warranted, and they outline three potential strategies for addressing academic underpreparedness beyond the structural and curricular reforms to developmental education taking place in many colleges.
What We Are Learning About Guided Pathways
This practitioner packet describes the guided pathways reform model; presents case studies of how colleges are approaching key pathways practices, with promising evidence on student success from early adopters; and outlines steps and a timeline for implementing guided pathways reforms.
Developmental Education: The Evolution of Research and Reform
This chapter in Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and Research reviews the structure and effectiveness of traditional developmental education and provides a history of first-, second-, and third-wave reforms and research on those approaches.
Ease of Access and Usefulness of Transfer Information on Community College Websites in Texas
This paper assesses the degree to which community college websites present challenges for students looking for information on how to transfer to a four-year institution.
CCRC Currents 2018
In CCRC's 2018 newsletter, Thomas Bailey discusses issues colleges should attend to as they implement guided pathways in order to ensure that these reforms help close equity gaps.
Why Do Some Community College Students Use Institutional Resources Differently Than Others in Program Selection and Planning?
This paper describes how degree-seeking students at the City Colleges of Chicago make choices about their programs in their first year of enrollment, focusing especially on how they interact with advisors and how they use college-based resources in program selection and program planning.
Are Community College Transfer Students “A Good Bet” for 4-Year Admissions? Comparing Academic and Labor-Market Outcomes Between Transfer and Native 4-Year College Students
Using detailed administrative data from Virginia, this journal article examines whether community college “vertical transfer” students who resemble “native four-year” students in their accumulated college-level credits and performance at their point of entry into the four-year sector perform equally well in terms of both academic and labor market outcomes.
Developmental Education: An Introduction for Policymakers
This ECS/CAPR brief discusses the importance of and challenges surrounding developmental education and suggests ways in which policymakers can address these challenges.
Using Data Mining to Explore Why Community College Transfer Students Earn Bachelor’s Degrees With Excess Credits
This CCRC working paper uses data-mining techniques to analyze student transcripts from two states and identify variables associated with excess credits among bachelor’s degree completers who started at a community college.
The Looming Student Loan Crisis Is Worse Than We Thought
In this Brookings report, the author analyzes new data on student debt and repayment released by the U.S. Department of Education in October 2017. The author then provides five key findings based on this analysis.
How States Are Implementing Transition Curricula: Results From a National Scan
This brief describes the availability of transition courses across the country and offers insights into curricular design and goals, subject-area focus, how students are selected to participate, and whether completion of transition curricula guarantees placement into college-level courses.
Tackling Transfer: A Guide to Convening Community Colleges and Universities to Improve Transfer Student Outcomes
This guide aims to help state entities organize workshops for two- and four-year institutions to improve transfer and graduation outcomes for their students through data analysis and self-reflection of institutional practices and the development of action plans.
Can High School Transition Courses Help Students Avoid College Remediation? Estimating the Impact of a Transition Program in a Large Urban District
This paper examines the impact of one transition course model, the At Home in College program, offered to selected high school students in New York City by the City University of New York (CUNY).