Engaging the College Community in Guided Pathways Reforms: Advice From Project Leaders at AACC Pathways Colleges
This brief details advice from leaders—including college presidents, senior administrators, faculty, and staff֫— who were involved in planning, overseeing, or coordinating guided pathways reforms at the 30 colleges that participated in the AACC Pathways Project.
Innovating at Scale: Guided Pathways Adoption and Early Student Momentum Among the AACC Pathways Colleges
Drawing on interviews as well as self-assessment and performance data, this report discusses what the AACC Pathways colleges have accomplished in their guided pathways reforms over the past seven years and what they have learned about institutional transformation.
Whole-College Guided Pathways Reform Practices: Scale of Adoption by Community Colleges in Three States
Based on institutional survey data, this report presents findings from a study on the scale of adoption of guided pathways practices at community and technical colleges in Ohio, Tennessee, and Washington State.
Healthcare Training Programs in Community Colleges: A Landscape Analysis of Program Availability and Student Completions
This report uses IPEDS data to better understand healthcare training programs and the current role that community colleges play in training healthcare workers, including public health workers.
Pandemic Relief Funding for Community Colleges
This ARCC Network brief describes Higher Education Emergency Relief funding the federal government provided to community colleges, and it provides a first look at how much funding was awarded to and spent by the colleges through February 2023.
Implementing Caring Campus: Strategies College Presidents Use to Improve Culture and Support Reform
Based on interview data, this report examines a set of seven strategies that presidents of community colleges implementing Caring Campus are using to develop a more positive college culture and to support this culture-focused reform.
Pell Grants and Community College Students
This fact sheet discusses how important Pell Grants are for community college students and describes recent and proposed changes in the Pell Grant program.
Dually Noted: Understanding the Link Between Dual Enrollment Course Characteristics and Students’ Course and College Enrollment Outcomes
Using data from Texas, this paper describes dual enrollment course characteristics such as instructor affiliation, location, and modality and examines how these characteristics predict students’ course completion, course grades, and subsequent college enrollment.
Assessing College-Credit-in-High-School Programs as On-Ramps to Postsecondary Career Pathways for Underrepresented Students
This brief examines research on five programs—AP, IB, dual enrollment, ECHSs and P-TECHs, and high school CTE with articulated credit—and assesses their potential as large-scale on-ramps to high-quality postsecondary programs for underrepresented students.
Choice Is Not Always Good: Reducing the Role of Informational Inequality in Producing and Legitimating Higher Education Inequality
This paper examines how the process of making higher education choices in the U.S.—whether to enter higher education, attend a particular college, or follow a particular path through college—produces and legitimates social inequality.
Mapping Community College Finance Systems to Develop Equitable and Effective Finance Policy
This report describes the diversity and complexity of community college state finance systems, and how to identify the often competing incentives within them, by comparing the systems of three very different states: California, Ohio, and Texas.
Smoothing Pathways to Transfer in the Humanities: A Report on the Strengthening Michigan Humanities Project
This report describes the rationale, goals, and activities of the Strengthening Michigan Humanities project, and it provides statewide statistics and trends on community college enrollment, transfer, and bachelor’s degree completion in humanities fields.
Six Years Later: Examining the Academic and Employment Outcomes of the Original and Reinstated Summer Pell
Using administrative data from the City University of New York (CUNY), this paper examines the impact of the summer Pell program on community college student persistence, completion, and employment outcomes.
Understanding Experiential Learning Through Work-Based College Coursetaking: Evidence From Transcript Data Using a Text Mining Technique
Using an innovative text mining technique on transcript data from a large public college system, this paper examines patterns and post-degree labor market outcomes of taking work-based courses at two-year and four-year colleges in that system.
How Can Community Colleges Afford to Offer Dual Enrollment College Courses to High School Students at a Discount?
Using three case studies, this paper examines the conditions under which dual enrollment programming could be made sustainable through efficiency gains, even for colleges that charge discounted tuition (or none at all).
Helping Underserved Students at Higher Performing iPASS Colleges: An Exploration of Support Practices
This report shares results of research undertaken to understand what five iPASS institutions were doing before and during the iPASS grant period to advise and support Black, Latinx, and low-income students both in and outside the classroom.
Caring Campus: Faculty Leadership in Student Success
Caring Campus/Faculty is a program aimed at increasing students’ connection to college; this report shares findings from a study on how it is being adopted at several colleges, including insights into effective faculty engagement and implementation.
The Impact of Dual Enrollment on College Application Choice and Admission Success
Using a regression discontinuity approach and data from two cohorts of students in one state, this paper examines the effect of taking dual enrollment credits on the number of in-state public colleges students apply and are admitted to and the selectivity of those colleges.
The Effect of Job Displacement on College Enrollment: Evidence From Ohio
Using employer-employee-student matched administrative data from Ohio, this paper provides the first direct evidence of workers' enrollment responses following mass layoffs in the United States.
Five Principles for Reforming Developmental Education: A Review of the Evidence
In a review of impact and implementation studies from the past ten years, this CAPR report summarizes what is known about how innovations to developmental education can improve student outcomes, and it draws out five principles that are key for reform.