The Mixed Methods Blog

Perspectives from our researchers, highlights from recent studies, and other news about CCRC

Fixing FAFSA Matters Because College Access Matters


This essay is adapted from CCRC Senior Research Scholar Judith Scott-Clayton's testimony before the Senate HELP Committee on the need to simplify the FAFSA form as a matter of equity and college access.

How Colleges Adapted Advising and Other Supports During COVID-19 Shutdowns


Though remote experiences cannot replace the relationships students and advisors build when they're together on campus, colleges across the country adapted to provide support to their most vulnerable learners when the COVID-19 pandemic hit. Here, researchers describe some of the strategies they implemented. 

Community Colleges and the Future of Work: Exploring Skill Demands Amid the Pandemic


Technology and the COVID-19 pandemic have disrupted employment and accelerated changes to the workplace. Here, CCRC's Sarah Griffin and Maria Scott Cormier describe three key skills employers expect community college graduates to possess amid the evolving economic environment. 

Letter From the Director: COVID Funding for Community Colleges


The next COVID-19 federal relief bill should more fairly distribute aid to community colleges, which educate a significant number of students belonging to communities disproportionately affected by the coronavirus pandemic. 

Does It Hurt or Help Four-Year College Students to Take Community College Courses?


A new CCRC study finds that students who are primarily enrolled in four-year colleges but take some courses at two-year institutions benefit from doing so. Here, Maggie Fay and Vivian Yuen Ting Liu explain and contextualize the results of the study.