The Mixed Methods Blog

Perspectives from our researchers, highlights from recent studies, and other news about CCRC

CCRC in 2021: A Year in Review


Despite all the challenges of this year, CCRC researchers continued to launch new work, engage with the field, and chart the pandemic's impact on community colleges. Here, we reflect on the year that was, highlighting these accomplishments and more.

Strengthening Connections Between Community Colleges and Disciplinary Societies


This post describes the benefits that disciplinary societies can offer community college faculty and students and shares findings from a report on the recent workshop Strengthening Engagement Between Disciplinary Societies and Community Colleges.

What HBCUs Can Teach Us About Culturally Sustaining Practices


Colleges must move beyond structural fixes and address discrimination head-on. One way they can do so is by building culturally sustaining practices into their support services and classroom instruction.

Opening the Dual Enrollment Door Wider for English Learners: A Case Study From Maryland

Opening the Dual Enrollment Door Wider for English Learners: A Case Study From Maryland

Anne Arundel Community College and Anne Arundel County Public Schools are launching a summer bridge program for rising high school seniors designated as English learners.

How Improvements in Community College Transfer Pathways Could Help With Teacher Labor Shortages


CCRC research on transfer in Michigan indicates that improving transfer pathways between community and four-year colleges could go a long way toward increasing the number of future educators.